Your Innovation, Research & Career Facilitator

I am

A neuroscientist by training, with special expertise in neurotechnology and medtech.

My passion is solving problems - efficiently and creatively.

Simone Cardoso de Oliveira

I have decades of professional experience in research, science management and innovation, and in the academic world as well as in innovative startups.

You are


A founder, startup or SME:

- in medtech, life science or healthcare,
- looking for funding for your R&D project,
- or new ideas for a hard innovation problem.

Academic Institution or Graduate Program

An academic institution or graduate program:

- looking for unique career development offers,
- for your academic staff (junior and advanced).

Ambitious Individual

An ambitious individual:

- with an academic background,
- from the natural / life sciences or engineering,
- who wants to tackle a career challenge.

My Offers


A weathered expert that helps you:

- identify sources for non-dilutive funding.

- create compelling grant proposals.

- build a sustainable funding strategy.


Individual career coaching for:

- creating a career vision
making job decisions.

- solving career challenges
securing a job that really fits you.


Interactive workshops on:

- public funding aquisition and grant writing.

- career development.

- creative problem solving.


I moderate interactive events to:

- come up with new R&D ideas.

- design out-of-the-box project proposals.

- find creative solutions for tough problems.



Want to get started?

Simone Cardoso de Oliveira